Brittany Burgunder


My name is Brittany Burgunder, and I want to let you all know that no matter what you are struggling with, there is always hope for a better life.

Low Self-Esteem

My self-esteem was nonexistent and every day I wondered what was so wrong with me that I didn’t fit in like everyone else.

Losing the Battle

In the beginning of 2009, it looked as if I had finally lost my battle. I became so sick that I got asked to leave by the university during my freshman year of college.

New Struggle, Same Demons

By the middle of 2010, I had hit rock bottom again, but this time on the opposite side of the scale. A stranger is all the mirror would ever reveal to my eyes, but the scale confirmed my illusion and worst nightmare as the digital number 221 pounds flashed before me.

Finding Balance

Recovery has been the hardest thing I have and ever will do in my life. There came a point where I had to learn to let go in order to let in what was meant to be all along.

Read the full article on Muscle & Fitness Hers

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