?It’s impossible to “see” a full picture of health when looking at someone. Health is not a weight, an image, eating your fruits and vegetables and going to the gym. Health is multifaceted with endless layers and components unique to each individual. Our outward appearance can be affected by the actions we take and by the words we choose to speak to ourselves. However, what you “see” is only a fraction of the big picture.
In the left photo I’m struggling with the worst of my anorexia. The delusional part of it all is that I believed I was healthy, both mentally and physically. I couldn’t “see” that I was unwell.
In the right photo I’m in the middle of a test my GI doctor ordered. I suddenly got very sick last summer with an infection/virus, and I haven’t felt 100% since then. Lately I’ve begun feeling worse, but thankfully I have a wonderful doctor who is finally figuring out why. Unfortunately, it’s not great news so far. It’s going to be a rough few months until I find the best treatment, but I will rebound fully with time. Physically I’m sick. I’m in pain. I cannot do all the daily activities I used to right now. Mentally I’ve never been healthier or stronger. I’m able to accept this curve ball in my life and find the lessons, growth and beauty hidden within it. Even though I have to modify my life at the moment -it does not mean I’ll put my life on hold. If anything I’m learning to live each day in even deeper and more meaningful ways. I don’t “look” sick, but I am. Be careful before you judge. More importantly, watch out for the judgements you place upon yourself.
This is just one chapter in my life. Even though it’s a difficult one; it’s necessary and contains new insight. If you skipped some chapters in a book it wouldn’t make much sense would it? Allow your story to unfold and connect as it should with faith that better chapters are ahead. ~Britt?