My sweet angel, Velvet. Baby girl I’ve never been able to put words to how I feel about you. It was love at first sight. You came to me during a time in my life when I needed so much healing. It was as if you magically fell from the sky and into my life. When I bought you, you also needed healing. But as magically as you flew into my life it seems just as fast we are parting ways. I have never cried more tears or been more confused. But perhaps this was the plan all along. Because the gifts you gave me are forever priceless. The memories I have with you are ones that brought more genuine smiles during a difficult time.
Velvet we healed. We healed together. Because although you and I are no longer together, I have never been this strong and healthy in my life. And likewise, I have never seen you so strong, healthy and majestically beautiful. Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same. And as much as I love you more than anything, I know that the best decision for you and I to live our best lives is to walk separate paths now. Heartbroken doesn’t begin to cover what I feel. I know you are going to go on and live such a happy, healthy life now and I will do the same. We did this for each other.
But I’ve said this line over and over the past year as I’ve written about you: “It’s as if I’ve known you a hundred lifetimes.” And I believe I have. And so this will never be goodbye … because when we meet again, I’ll always know it’s you. ~Britt