🐠Scales are worthless and yet I used to worship them religiously. I was insecure about my weight long before I developed an eating disorder. I vaguely remember having to get weighed while in middle school during P.E. My classmates formed a long line near the handball courts while we waited for our turn. I nervously listened to the girls who went before me report their weight back to their clique. I took in what they weighed while giving their bodies a once over. My heart thumped with dread —I was bigger than them. My turn came to step on the scale. I shifted my eyes downward and avoided eye contact with my teacher as she recorded the number next to my name. I suddenly felt labeled —like an object categorized by size, as if my entire existence was reduced to nothing more than a digit.
Weight and scales can be misleading and harmful. They are an ineffective means to quickly asses and measure an individual’s health. A scale can report your weight, but your weight is only a tiny indicator of your health when used in conjunction with other methods. Still, it remains an overused and unreliable source of gauging well-being. Even when consciously aware of the scale’s limitations, it’s easy to become hooked on the instant feedback it provides.
It’s fascinating to see that individuals who have absolutely nothing in common can share the same weight. Our bodies and physical health are determined by a multitude of complex factors such as muscle mass, height, age, genetics, nutrition, and fitness. These women might all weigh the same, but that does not make their health the same. Be cautious before you compare. Numbers are rather worthless when it comes to measuring one’s worth. ~Britt💜