It’s okay that you feel sad, stuck, angry, jealous, guilty, happy, confused, less than, hopeless, blessed, deserving, frustrated, enter your own word *here.* Everyday we have all sorts of different feelings and sometimes it seems that certain feelings we don’t want to have stay with us for an unscheduled amount of time. You don’t have to try and distract yourself or numb out the feelings doing something else. It’s okay to just sit with them and know they can’t hurt you unless you choose to act on them.
Patience is a golden skill. Not everyone walking around with a smile means it. I smiled on days I should have been screaming. And you know what? I wish I would have. I’m tired of feeling one way and pretending I feel something different. There is power in authenticity. And with time, everything passes; everything changes and everything makes sense if you are open to it. ~Britt