“Sometimes we fall down because there is something down there we’re supposed to find.”
And I kept falling down. I think I spent most of my life falling down only to get up and wonder why I’d fall right back down again. Why!? What was I missing? What could I have possibly not learned yet? What did I need? I tried everything. I’m smart. I know better. Why!? You know what I was missing? You know what I found? I found Brittany. I found myself. I found that little girl who so tragically believed the lies she was told and the lies she then told herself. Well I found her and I cried and I cried and I cried. And I screamed and I screamed and I screamed. And I took her hand and I opened my eyes for the first time in my life -really opened them. And then I smiled.
I am a survivor. I have a heart of gold. I did the best I could. I have endured an amazing journey. I was, I am and always will be enough. I’ve stopped falling down since. And I can hold my head high knowing I am a beautiful and whole soul. This very act of taking back my power and owning who I am is the greatest achievement I will ever attain. ~Britt