You are human. I am human. But it seems us humans like to believe we can force ourselves into fake ideals. We tend to think there are good feelings and bad feelings. That there are good thoughts and bad. That there are good ways to present ourselves and bad. It’s simpler and faster for the brain to categorize things into black and white – all or nothing. But that doesn’t make it correct or beneficial. We seem to have these unspoken rules and labels for most things, but in the end, these “rules” only make us feel inadequate. I speak from personal experience. But I’ve also learned this is all complete nonsense.
I used to be afraid to cry. Lately it’s what’s been healing me. I used to be afraid to get angry or upset. Lately it’s been a wonderful release as opposed to bottling up my feelings. I used to be afraid to go out into public without a smile. Lately I’ve found peace in letting my face reflect my mood. I used to be afraid to say anything I thought wouldn’t be the “right” answer, or what others would “want” to hear. Lately I’ve found empowerment in speaking my truth whether or not it’s the “best” response.
We need the full spectrum of emotions. Sure we prefer feeling happy over sad, but that’s life. By avoiding and numbing more “negative” and painful feelings, it in turn probably makes us feel even more sad because we’re forcing ourselves into one emotion that doesn’t align with our current state of being. I’ve spent most of my life in a bubble. Only expressing my true thoughts and emotions to my diaries. From suppressing my emotions for so long I have now created a lot of extra work for myself by learning how to “let go” and be in the moment of how I authentically feel. It’s hard to re-train my brain, but it’s the best feeling in the world to really feel!
Rip off your masks now! Learn to love yourself now! Learn that life is full of hardships and tough times now! Learn that IT’S OK NOT TO BE OK now! But also know that feelings change. Life changes. You change. Everything changes. You are not wrong. You are not bad. You are beautifully and uniquely you for however you feel. You aren’t defined by externals or emotions. You can always ask for help. You always deserve help. You are good enough unconditionally and are worth saving and fighting for.
Just remember that without the unpleasant times, we’d never be able to fully appreciate and enjoy the happy times. ~Britt