Here is my final transformation using Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide 1.0. As I alluded to previously, my reason for choosing to give Kayla’s guide a try was that I was completely miserable in regards to my fitness and exercise routines. In fact, they weren’t even “routines” anymore. My exercise before beginning BBG was the same everyday. It was a boring, obsessive, compulsive and a rigid chore that included nothing but endless cardio. I was starting to get caught in over-exercising again and the mentality that “more was better.” I finally had enough. I was beyond burned out and my body was tired, weak and I’m sure furious with me.
No one would have called me out of shape before I started BBG, or that I needed to lose weight. These weren’t my goals for using the guides. I wanted a healthy relationship with exercise. I wanted a challenge. I wanted to be stronger. I wanted to be more flexible. I wanted to be more toned and I wanted a way to heal my mind and body from years of exercise addiction.
When I first began week 1, I kind of laughed to myself when I saw the 28-minute circuit. I thought it looked too easy. I thought I wouldn’t even sweat. I doubted that I would actually get any sort of results. I mean come on… I am a competitive athlete and can spend hours doing cardio. I’m in terrific shape, right? Basically I thought many things and basically everything I thought was completely shattered to pieces. I could not even complete day one of Kayla’s guide without my legs trembling, without gasping for air, without taking breaks and without my muscles screaming as I hadn’t used them in so long. I finished the workout baffled. Absolutely speechless. My ego was certainly crushed, but the challenge excited me to no end. The next day I was the sorest I had been in years and I loved it.
I don’t want you to think I started week 1 and went straight to week 12. There were times throughout this process where I repeated certain weeks because I felt I wasn’t ready to move on to the next week yet. I did not use Kayla’s nutrition guide, though I do own it and approve it. However, I did change my own eating habits. In fact, my results are the product of less cardio and more food. Sounds too good to be true right? Trust your body. Be patient. I had plenty of times throughout this process where I ate junk food for a week straight and days where I ate enough for two people. So what? This isn’t about being perfect. This is about balance. This is about a lifestyle. This is about learning to love your body and take care of it. This is learning flexibility and that there will be ups and downs with everything. The key to success is commitment, treating your body right, patience and an understanding that this is about bettering your life, not a quick fix.
What these guides have done for me is something no one else has been able to help me with. Exercise recovery is not easy and it’s still something I’m healing from and learning to approach differently. For the first time in what seems like forever I look forward to exercise, I’m challenged, I’m entertained, my flexibility has markedly increased and I am significantly stronger and have more energy both mentally and physically. I could never thank Kayla enough for what her guides have done for me and for the role model and inspiration she is to me as a person. I cannot wait to start BBG 2.0 and continue this wonderful journey with myself that is all about healing, self-love and becoming the best version of myself possible. ~Britt