Brittany Burgunder


The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it. -Jordan Belfort

Happy 2016! I’m not personally a fan of New Year’s resolutions. I do however believe in goals, healthy progress and positive intentions. I have a project for you all that I’d love you to join me in doing. Get a piece of paper or note card and a pen.

  1. Write down a goal you know you can accomplish with 100% certainty
  2. Write down a goal you know you can accomplish with effort later in the year
  3. Write down a goal that you are continuing to make progress toward

  1. Write down a positive intention that you would like to take place in your life this year
  2. Write down a positive intention that would really make you happy, proud, and wonderfully surprised if it happened
  3. Write down a positive intention that you would wish for yourself and life if all your wildest dreams could come true

Now laminate this piece of paper or keep this notecard in a safe place. I keep mine in my planner and periodically glance at it. This is supposed to be fun with a hint of motivation. It’s a new year, but every moment we have the ability to work toward our best self and life. Take away the pressure, quit the all or nothing/ now or never thinking, focus on taking care of you, believe in yourself and watch the things you wrote down on that card check themselves off effortlessly. ~Britt

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