My parents should win the parent of the century award. I can’t tell you how much they have been through. I know the pure chaos I was living in, but because I was in denial and oblivious to the severity of my situation, it almost protected me. My parents on the other hand had to witness it all. The lying, screaming, manipulating… the hospitals, doctors and helplessness… To being told to plan my funeral and say goodbye. But to also watch their daughter survive anorexia only to become obese, only to abuse laxatives, only to be lost and miserable continually…
But they never gave up. They stood by my side when no one else would. They believed in me. They loved me unconditionally and they gave me every chance to succeed even if it meant making personal sacrifices in their own lives. And the result? They have their daughter back. But they have so much more than that. They have a daughter that is now finding her own voice, strength, happiness, purpose and peace.
By helping me through my storm, they now get to watch their daughter walk out of the storm a completely different person… a person that puts a smile on everyone’s face and would make anyone proud. Because of my parents I am where I am and I am who I am. And for that, words could never express how priceless the gift is I received. ~Britt