Recovery is so hard. I just can’t emphasize that enough. It is a daily chore for a while before you find your groove. I can say confidently it is the hardest thing you or I will ever do. It is something you have to choose, embrace and act on everyday. I feel like it’s a full time job sometimes. The worst part is that as your life gets better (and it does) sometimes those around you have no clue the battles you’ve fought to get where you are.
Let me tell you that today on the tennis court all I wanted to do was sit down in the middle of the court and cry for absolutely no apparent reason. Give yourself a break. What you are doing mentally is more demanding than you think. And also, it’s okay to wipe that smile off your face sometimes. I had a poor attitude on the court today sure, but I also have a lot of responsibility and promises I need to keep to myself as well. Do it for you. Don’t worry if not everyone knows how hard you’re working or how hard life is at the moment, or how “whatever” for that matter. This is your journey, your choice, your challenge and in that the ability to rise above it or quit. ~Britt