“Happiness is not found in things you possess, but in what you have the courage to release.” -Nathaniel Hawthorne
What are you holding on to that perhaps holds you back? Often times we believe certain things make us happy when really all they may be doing is keeping us safe, comfortable and on autopilot. It’s easy to get so used to living a certain lifestyle, with certain people, with certain unhealthy behaviors, etc. that it becomes our normal. We don’t realize that we are capable of so much more. We don’t realize we deserve so much more. We don’t realize we can change. We don’t realize that life can be so much more fulfilling.
But it requires us to look at our lives and how we are living. That’s incredibly hard! It would be easier to just continue on with your life somewhat numb to how you feel and live. It’s easy to go through the motions, to follow the crowd, to accept life as most people seem to live it. But what if I told you your life could be so much more incredible and full of your wildest dreams? What if I told you that you can live any life you want, despite what others may think?
What if I told you the only requirements would be to:
- Look within yourself
- Look at the hard parts of your life
- Confront your fears
- Change
- Courageously release all that you’ve learned to hold on to with the belief it keeps you comfortably happy.
Would you do it? Would you go through the discomfort of trading settling for a mediocre life in exchange for a life full of genuine happiness and passion? ~Britt