This was never supposed to be a book. This was never supposed to be for anyone’s eyes to see but my own. So much … so much can be hidden away from the public as one struggles in silence. We all have problems that we face – but some of us cope with those problems in different ways – some being positive, some being negative.
I outwardly happened to change in appearance as my eating disorder violently swept my mind away on autopilot. I had no control – though the irony is I thought I did. But what really drove my anorexia, binge eating disorder and bulimia – had nothing to do with weight and everything to do with my mind. I hated myself. I was depressed, anxious – I had terrible OCD and not a single friend.
So, I journaled everyday. My journals became my only outlet – an obsession to release some of my thoughts – perhaps a way to feel like I had a friend. And with enough courage, “Safety in Numbers” came to life. Yes, it is almost entirely my exact diary entries unedited through the years as I kept them. Yes, it is as raw, real and close to what it’s like struggling with a mental illness, as you’ll get.
But with it comes hope. With it comes a way out. With it comes awareness. With it comes every single reason why you deserve to get help, so that you can be free and live your best life. And with it will come the sequel, which brings closure to the recovery process in the same captivating style that I’m excited to publish in the future. Take back your mind – and you’ll take back your life. There are no prerequisites to deserving to be happy, healthy and at peace. We all have the power to say, “This is not how my story will end.” ~Britt?