Brittany Burgunder



??Share some facts/ anything you want about yourself in the comments!
?I think I’m more afraid of success than failure, but this is something I’m working on.

☺️I’m pretty shy, but once I’m out in public or around people, I feel confident and it’s also when I’m happiest.
?On the same note, I actually have few close friends my age who live near me, so I get lonely sometimes.
?Halloween is my favorite!
??I started riding horses when I was 3 and playing tennis when I was 6. I love them both for different reasons.
?The Lion King! Always the best. Don’t argue with me on this!
?I often feel like I’ve lived 100 lifetimes because of everything I’ve gone through and learned. But I missed out on a lot too. I feel very mature and very young at the same time.
?Helping others, connecting with others, making a positive difference no matter how small -that is my passion.

?I published my first book last year, “Safety in Numbers: From 56 to 221 Pounds, My Battle with Eating Disorders -A Memoir,” and I’m currently working on the sequel.
?I’ve never smoked, done drugs or gotten drunk.
?I’m usually pretty self-motivated, but I have plenty of days where I just want to stay in bed, cry and eat all the chocolates and pizza (This actually happens though -embrace it).

⛈I really love thunderstorms and nature in general. I’ll play in the mud or go exploring any day!
?I’m intense when it comes to work, athletics and myself. But I’m also incredibly down to earth, laid back to hang out with, and I genuinely appreciate and love the simplest things.
?No I won’t share my ice cream!
?It’s actually hard for me to relax. Working on this too!
?I sing all the time, but that’s for my ears and my ears only!
?My biggest flaw and strength is that I work too hard, care too much about others and want to change the world for the better now!
?I am okay with just about any animal. Except spiders … not okay!
?I’m extremely approachable, usually upbeat, friendly and compassionate -this is something I love most about me.
??My greatest success will forever be choosing to heal my life and myself.

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