It’s difficult to feel negative emotions or experience things that trigger you negatively that push your buttons. It causes almost every human being to react negatively. But realize that feelings such as jealousy, insecurity or anger usually stem from a pain and core issue so much deeper. It’s so much easier to turn your head and do what you’ve always done such as continuing on with your eating disorder, self-abuse, negative thoughts, self-sabotage, numbing out, etc. These things you have “always done” are most likely on auto-pilot now, subconscious, muscle memory, a habit. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have the power to change. That doesn’t mean you don’t have the power to learn new ways of living and thinking. It takes courage to look beneath the superficial emotions and identify the more painful, real and shortcomings you may currently have. But remember how empowering knowledge is. Remember how empowering knowing yourself is. Remember how empowering the truth is. Remember that with change, with discomfort and vulnerability come growth. Because if you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. And I know that for me, that is no longer an option I am okay with. ~Britt