Brittany Burgunder


This is such a deep question, but really take the time to think about it. We live in a world now where technology takes the main stage and where anything can become an illusion and fake in the blink of an eye. Who were you before the media told you to buy this and that product? Before you saw pictures of models that had been so extremely airbrushed? Before people told you that you had to act, look and accomplish certain tasks in order to be considered successful?

Who was I? Well… I was a happy girl. One that didn’t have a single care about celebrities, gossip, what I wore or what I said. I didn’t think about success in terms of degrees, jobs and trophies. I thought about success as laughing a lot and watching a funny movie. Who were you before the world told you what you should be? How can you get that person back? ~Britt

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