The who-what-where-when and whys of staying motivated to make positive changes:
Remember who you are aside from materialistic and aesthetic qualities. Focus on your compassion, your intentions, that person you made smile.
Remember what it is that you are looking to change and make sure it is realistic and healthy. Focus on each baby victory, not the end result.
Remember where you started! It’s easy to put yourself down and feel far from your goal, but if you take a quick glance back I’m sure you’ll be blown away with how much change has already occurred!
Remember that when is not so necessary. There is nothing slower or more patient than change. You can set realistic and very flexible goals. Those who make lasting changes learn to love the process and aren’t blinded only by the prize.
Remember why you started. Why did you believe you wanted to make a change? What positives are and will come from it?
Now get back out there with a huge smile on your face and a kick ass attitude to compliment your awesomeness! ~Britt