Things happen in life that sometimes can’t be made sense of. You could say it’s not fair. You could say it’s your fault. You could say everyone else has it easier. Perhaps you’re dealing with depression, an eating disorder, addiction, anxiety, abuse, self-harming or a traumatic event. It consumes you and sometimes even becomes your identity. But I believe the challenges you are given in life are directly proportional to your ability to overcome them and the amount of strength you hold inside. If you have the ability to live with something so negatively haunting then you sure as heck have the ability to use that power to turn it around and change it into something amazing.
Look at your challenge as a gift. This obstacle is going to teach you a lot about life, yourself, others and your goals. It’s going to make you an interesting person. One that has compassion for others and a humbling confidence. People who have life easy are boring and not admired. Whatever you are dealing with know that it is not your fault and that it is fair. Because if you choose to take that inner strength buried deep down inside and overcome your demons, you will have opportunities and a freedom that is far greater than most people. Use your challenges to empower you. Know you are capable of greatness… because you are. ~Britt