You don’t have to be okay. You don’t have to be happy. You don’t have to wear a mask and you sure as heck don’t have to be “perfect.” Anger, sadness, regret and loneliness are all just as valid feelings as being happy and upbeat. Don’t be afraid to be real… because most people aren’t. What you do have to do is wake up each day and try your personal best. To some that could be working a stressful job, to others that could be going to class, to some it could be following their meal plan and to others it could simply be getting out of bed. Try not to compare to others. Try not to get caught up in the social media world either because it’s only easier to create a false illusion and identity.
If you have just one person you can trust and loves you unconditionally you are blessed. But know that you always have yourself and you are good enough just as you are in this moment. Stop trying to change yourself. Stop trying to numb out. The world is unknown and sometimes scary and cruel, but it is also full of joy, opportunity, growth and meaning. If nothing else go to a mirror, look yourself in the eyes, wrap your arms around yourself and tell yourself you are deserving, accepted and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. ~Britt