⏰“New Year, New You! Fresh start! Blank slate! Time to change! Time to start!” The beginning of a new year is a great personal “milestone” – to reflect, pause and then move forward. However, you are still you! Just because the dates change, does not mean that you must change. The fastest way to improve yourself and all areas of your life is to keep taking small steps towards greater fulfillment. If you were already working on this in 2017 (I hope you were!) then just keep doing what you were doing in 2018! A few suggestions and ideas for resolutions I support are:
•Schedule self care activities every day
•Be respectful – but please hold your head high and don’t be afraid to share your opinion, even if you stand alone
•Spend more time outside and less time on social media sites
•Communicate with people in person or actually call them instead of chatting by text or via social media
•Learn to say “no!” and be ok with your decision
•Ditch dieting! Forget fads! Smash the scale! Your body and appearance aren’t wrong. I promise that if you work on creating a healthy relationship on the inside, it will effortlessly translate into your healthiest self on the outside
•Slow down! Incorporate rest and relaxation
•Learn how to professionally and politely correspond through email
•End negative relationships – no explanation needed. Who you surround yourself with matters! Invest in people who make you feel good, support you, and are going to encourage your growth and success
•Practice mindfulness and time management
•Search internally, not externally, for answers. You can change almost any situation by changing the way you mentally approach it and the degree to which you let it affect you
•Adopt positive, motivating and empowering mantras
•Your mental and physical health are priority one. End of story!
•Recognize that everyone feels a bit lost. You are good enough. Your path is not wrong. You can do anything. Trust yourself!