Don’t you understand it’s enough that you just breathe?
Stop chasing after what you think is important.
I want you to find out what is important to you.
Deflate your ego.
Just because you are good at something doesn’t mean you have to do it.
Remember that you can have all the credentials in the world and at the same time be the most miserable person in the world.
Life is about finding what makes you authentically happy, carefree and at peace.
Life is about looking in the mirror and knowing that you alone are full of beauty, worth, acceptance, love and good fortune.
You don’t need to hide behind an identity to mask your true self.
Let people see you as you are.
Let people see the smiles, the tears and the human in you.
Stop comparing yourself to your peers and social media.
Know that most of what people and society present to you are an illusion and only one small part of the story.
I don’t care what path your family, your friends, your significant other or society makes you believe to be the right way.
I promise that if you follow a path, a career, or a journey that does not align with what makes you happy and whole, it will lead to regret, burnout and exhaustion.
Don’t take the safe way through life.
Be brave enough to divert from the crowd and follow your heart and passions.
If you do what makes your heart sing everyday then every moment is worth it in the end.
Stop living in fear of disappointing others.
Stop living in fear of failure.
Stop living in fear of success and the fear of having to keep it up.
Stop living with a mind that replays tapes saying you aren’t good enough.
Do you even know who you are?
Do you even know what makes you truly happy?
Do you even know what makes you come alive?
Are you afraid to pursue your passion because of what others may think?
Can you honestly say that you make decisions based solely on what is best for you?
Do you even know what is best for you?
Is your mind so clouded with clutter and noise from outside sources that you no longer even know why you do what you do?
Are you brave enough to allow yourself to feel happiness and know you deserve it?
Shatter your negative thoughts. Demolish your trauma. And take a stand for yourself.
Putting yourself first is called self-respect, self-love and smart.
Putting yourself first is also called vital to survival.
Because you shouldn’t be sleepwalking through life.
Because you shouldn’t be numbing out anxiety, fear and stress.
Why is it that punishing yourself mentally and physically seem acceptable to you?
You are not defective. You are not bad. You are not less than anyone else on this planet.
You do not need to change yourself or feel the need to make up for your perceived and delusional shortcomings.
Every day that you open your eyes is a victory.
Because a smile to a stranger is so much more beautiful, influential and meaningful than any amount of money, trophies or letters after your name.
Life is full of ups and downs and good and bad feelings. Don’t hide them. Don’t suppress them.
There is nothing more inspirational than someone being brutally human.
There is no such thing as flaws, as not good enough, as a failure, as ugly.
Don’t you realize every monster lives in your mind?
Don’t you realize every dream lives in your mind?
Don’t you realize that you have the power to change your entire outlook and life?
It is an honor that you are alive.
It is enough that all you do is breathe… ~Britt