I thought I’d share some of my favorite healthy coping skills along with giving you a list of ideas to choose from. Some of my favorites are journaling, writing, art, riding or being with horses, playing tennis, listening to music, getting a manicure and pedicure, going for a drive, being in nature, snuggling with my dogs or finding a safe person to talk with. I believe it’s really important to find positive coping skills that you can start retraining your brain to turn to instead of the destructive now automatic behaviors your brain is used to. The good news is that our brains have amazing plasticity and continue growing, learning and rewiring themselves. I’m going to give you some ideas of things to do instead of listening to your eating disorder, but feel free to add to the list and create your own! ~Britt
- Go for a walk
- Listen to music
- Journal
- Blog
- Draw/Art
- Volunteer
- Find support groups
- Find fun workshops offered in your area
- Take a class at a college
- Learn how to play an instrument
- Learn how to knit or crochet
- Play games on your phone or computer
- Take a nap
- Take a bath or shower
- Clean
- Get a manicure or pedicure
- Get a massage
- Read
- Go for a drive
- Meditate
- Play a sport for fun
- Call a friend or close family member
- Waste time on Pinterest or a fun website
- Donate items to Goodwill
- If it’s warm, lay out and tan
- Sit at a coffee shop and relax or people watch
- Watch a funny movie or TV show
- Dance around in your house
- Find new music to listen to
- Practice breathing exercises
- Go window shopping
- Go to a movie
- Make jewelry
- Join a book club or other interesting group
- Write poetry
- Make a gratitude list
- Read positive quotes and affirmations
- Do a crossword puzzle or play Sudoku
- Put together an actual puzzle
- Bake if it’s something you can enjoy
- Start a garden
- Buy yourself a nice gift
- Sit in your therapists office or somewhere safe
- Take pictures of nature and fun things
- Update your playlist
- Write a letter to someone or yourself
- Download some fun and positive free apps on your phone
- Go to a make your own pottery place
- Go to a park and feed the ducks
- Write and illustrate a children’s book for fun
- Play with play-dough
- Make crafts or decorate something with stickers
- Try aromatherapy
- Find a new hobby
- Learn a new language
- Watch funny or cute animal videos on YouTube
- Read funny jokes
- Go to the library
- Visit an animal shelter
- Rearrange your room
- Make a collage
- Sing
- Play with a stress ball
- Put on your favorite lotion or try a new hair style
- Give yourself a facial
- Call a hotline or help line
- Take fun online surveys
- Stretch
- Collect pretty rocks or shells or start a new collection
- Go to a museum