I was once similar to many little girls. I loved horses, Beanie Babies, flowing dresses, ruby red slippers and rainbow sprinkles.
I vividly remember my elementary school days. I went to school with my own style but a shy personality.
I was overwhelmed by my surroundings, and I was quick to learn people are not always nice.
I used my natural talent for tennis and horseback riding to boost my self-esteem and mask the girl I had grown to hate.
I developed an eating disorder at 13 years old.
My life had passed me by all too quickly. Since I only saw life in terms of black and white, there was no gray area or middle ground. I had accepted I was a failure, and it was too late.
I was the poster child for “hopeless,” but I wasn’t ready to truly take that identity to heart. So, what did I do?
I took my shattered pieces of a person and put one foot in front of the other. I walked like a toddler taking her first steps.
And you know what? I am not the number one tennis player in the world. I am not going to the Olympics in dressage. I am not a graduating magna cum laude from an Ivy League university.
I am not a Victoria’s Secret model, and I am no Oprah. But, I am starting to accept that the life I am living is absolutely good enough.
My life thus far is the definition of the road less traveled. I am a survivor, and I am someone who has proven there is no such thing as being hopeless.
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