To me there is a difference between being in recovery and recovered. I am all about transparency with my journey and so I do want to make it clear to you all that I am “in recovery.” My journey and progress thus far astounds even me and I’m so proud of myself, but I’m also just as human as each one of you. I think one of the biggest dangers with eating disorders is the stubbornness quality and mentality we display when we think we can and should be able to handle and fix this on our own. False! And this thinking is so hard to change as well. I fall into this trap still, though much less often. But I feel it’s my responsibility to remind you all including myself once again that we are human, period. We fall down. Okay… Now what? Talk about it, find and ask for support, don’t keep it a secret and then dust yourself off and move on as if the “slip” never occurred. These are the steps that make up recovering, voila!
Then over time, you will be able to reach out and ask for support before a “slip” even occurs. Then, it is possible to say you have recovered. This is a very individual and unique journey for us all. Again, I want to reiterate that I am on this journey with you and am still learning and growing along the way. I never want you to place me on a pedestal thinking I’ve got this perfect life now. No one will ever have a perfect life anyway, only perfect moments and if it appears someone is “perfect” I challenge you to remind yourself that that is only an illusion. Pick your sources of motivation wisely while reminding yourself that it is you who is your own utmost motivation. Be well my friends, myself included. ~Britt