Let your fears go; let your dreams in. What are you most afraid of? What’s the worst that could happen? Why are you holding on so tight? Don’t sleep-walk through life. Don’t go through the motions settling for what’s safe and comfortable.
Please have the courage and self-respect for your beautiful soul to block out the noise of society and go deep within your heart and ask yourself what you are truly passionate about. What makes you happy? What makes you come alive? And then please use your brave voice to say, “No!” to what does not bring you peace. It will feel scary and uncomfortable at first to live this new life – one where you may feel you are going against what is safe and therefore “successful” and predictable.
But I promise if you stay true to your heart – if you keep living out what you are truly passionate about – not only will new doors open beyond your imagination – but they will be opportunities that you will love with your whole heart. Have faith. Let go. ~Britt