It’s much easier to stay well than to get well. But the effort put into getting well is more than worth it. Have a breakdown, have 100 breakdowns… Go ahead; tell yourself you’re done… That you quit. Let yourself get emotional and don’t be afraid of it. It happens to everyone – to the best of us – to me. But the solution here is going to blow your mind. Are you ready? Just sit with it. Don’t judge it. Let it be what it is. Then, when you’re ready, pick yourself back up again. You don’t have to go from A-Z to feel productive or like your moving forward. Sometimes we go from A-C and then back to B. You are still moving forward, it just doesn’t always happen in a consistent fashion. We aren’t robots. Believe in yourself. But it has to start with you. 10,000 people can believe in you… I for one believe in every single one of you. But none of that matters and nothing will change until you start believing in yourself a little at a time until one day you blow your own mind. ~Britt