It’s a brand new year and I’m sure most people are looking to put their best foot forward and make new changes. I think this is all wonderful and I too have my mind set on certain changes, but I have to admit I am not a fan of resolutions. I believe personally that resolutions are too concrete… almost like a deadline where we either make it or don’t. I think it is important to strive for balance and acceptance rather than have an all or nothing, succeed or fail mentality.
I do think it is important to have positive and realistic goals for yourself to help create motivation and forward movement. Just keep in mind to start small and simple and build upon your steps forward. I like to keep in mind the acronym S.M.A.R.T. goals in this case, which stands for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.
Right now my personal goals for the New Year are to:
- Reach out more to my support group when I’m having a hard time instead of stubbornly thinking I have to “fix it” on my own.
- Continuing to practice balance in school and that I do not need to have an A or the highest grade in all of my classes.
- Keep exercise fun and to an appropriate amount for me.
- Continue to improve and increase the frequency of my positive self-talk.
- Nourish my spiritual side.
- Add even more variety and flexibility to what I eat.
- Play tennis for fun
- Practice intuitive eating
- Make time to enjoy a book or watch TV
- Find a horse to ride again in my free time
- Pursue some exciting opportunities I’ve been presented with
What are your goals? ~Britt