Brittany is looking into mirror that says "Mirrors are just glass and you are more than that

Do me a favor okay?Thank yourself.Thank your body.Thank your heart.⋅You don’t have to like your reflection in the mirror.You aren’t supposed to master self-love.You don’t have to have life all…

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Brittany is holding a note that reads "Don't let the scale dictate your self-worth"

✨Our bodies are a constellation made up of unique attributes, emotions, and energy. The sum of ourselves encompasses our identity and personality. But what if you aren’t happy with who…

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Our bodies will look different from one another even if we eat and exercise the same

☀️I used to envy and idolize celebrities and models in the media. I faithfully purchased and devoured all the weekly gossip, health, and diet magazines that bombarded the checkout aisles…

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