Brittany Burgunder


?Oh … and don’t forget to take care of your mental health too! What breaks my heart the most about this is the fact that it’s true. I laugh because this post sums up a dark reality that I and many others have lived —sacrificing our wellbeing for the sake of feeling like we’re enough. 

It seems everyone is a self-proclaimed health expert these days, whether or not they have credentials to back up their words. It’s dangerous. It’s deadly. It’s ignorant. Health is a complex, multifaceted topic unique to each individual. There is no right or wrong way to take care of yourself. What works for one person might not work for the other. This goes for both your mental and physical health. 

I have been severely underweight, obese, and an “ideal” weight. Despite my fluctuating size, I remained equally unhealthy because I was trapped in the grips of an eating disorder. Health is so much more than what you see or hear. Often the stress of keeping up with the constantly changing chatter surrounding health fads is more toxic than the lifestyle itself. 

Do what works for you. Be careful about the sources of your information. And if you are struggling, remember that there are trusted resources for support, and you are always enough unconditionally. ~Britt?

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