Brittany Burgunder


Everyone’s rock bottom is different:

Spending countless hours at different gyms everyday…
Purging until blood stains your hands; your knuckles are raw; your eyes are blood shot…
Driving from store to store and bingeing in your car…
Taking a box of 30 laxatives wondering if you should have taken more…
Trying every possible diet plan only to fail every time…
Having a meltdown when you realize cinnamon has calories…
Losing all your friends and boyfriends because your relationship with self destruction takes priority…
Canceling appointments in order to binge…
Eating out of trashcans in order to continue bingeing…
Cutting yourself so badly you need stitches…
Going to bed at night; your heart barely beating; afraid you will die in your sleep…
Spending holidays in your room in order to avoid food…
Staying up all night exercising because you ate an extra 50 calories…
Spending all your money on diet pills, diet foods, binge foods, laxatives and weight loss plans…
More hair in your shower drain than on your head…
Hiding food wrappers in your room, so no one will know what you did…
Hiding weights in your clothes to fake a weigh-in
Purging into water bottles, bags and empty containers to hide what you’ve done…
Buying a dozen donuts while saying they are for a party…
Overdosing in an attempt to end your life…
Not being able to walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath for those who are too thin or to heavy…

But understand that these are extremes. Some people’s rock bottom is simply being unhappy, or having a behavior that makes them feel guilty or interferes with their life. No matter what your barrier is, all of you are equally deserving and qualified for help, for support and for recovery. You can’t compare one person’s eating disorder or behaviors to another. It’s not a game of who is the sickest, the thinnest, binges the most, is the fattest, or the most depressed.

It’s about you and you only. Recovery is selfish and that’s a good thing. If you are not living your life to the fullest and have something (Eating disorder, OCD, Depression, Addiction, Alcoholism, Self-Harm, Compulsive Over-Exerciser, Starving, Purging, Bingeing, etc.) that is causing you stress, shame and anxiety then seek help, seek treatment, seek support and seek recovery because it is there for you to have.

Don’t let the ignorance of a person, a doctor, a friend, or yourself tell you otherwise, or that it’s not really that bad. It’s those who continue on thinking they aren’t bad off enough that end up dead. People suffer in different degrees sure; but the solution is equal amongst all and that is true recovery, peace and happiness for oneself. ~Britt

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